Know Your Worth - Stop Selling Yourself Short
Hey Friends,
This week has been a profound reminder of an age-old lesson: know your worth. In sync with my sister-friend's latest newsletter, which boldly tells us to "Stop accepting the crumbs" (be sure to read and subscribe to @kunbiesq's newsletter here), I'm compelled to dive deep into this vital topic.
Photo by Afrik Armando
Real Talk: The Value of Knowing Your Worth
It’s disheartening to witness a persistent trend across many industries where professionals are not only underappreciated but blatantly undervalued. The “offers”—or rather, the “crumbs” that are tossed our way—are downright disrespectful. Consider this: a few years ago, I was invited to lead a workshop to demonstrate how to design luxury floral arrangements. The catch? I was expected to do it for free, cover my own travel and accommodations, while attendees were charged thousands per ticket. After a polite refusal, I was sent a contract, as if my initial no needed reconsideration. Absurd, right?
Regrettably, this isn’t an isolated incident. I've faced numerous situations where I’m asked to speak by organizations I've never engaged with, without any discussion about a speaking fee or covering my travel expenses. It may sound absolutely nuts, but it’s true. These experiences underscore a broader issue: your value isn’t limited to speaking engagements but extends to all professional interactions, including client relationships.
Demand and charge your worth without fear. Often, the fear of losing a potential client can drive us to accept less than we deserve, which is a profound disservice to ourselves. You are entitled to fair compensation for your time and expertise, as well as respect. So, don’t settle for less.
My question to you, friend, is: When was the last time you accepted less than you deserved?
It's one thing for someone to present you with a subpar offer that devalues your worth, but it's entirely another to allow and accept it. You deserve more.
The Etiquette of No
This leads to another crucial point—professional etiquette. When offers are declined, especially polite declines, the least that is expected is a basic acknowledgment. Going silent after someone has extended the courtesy of a thoughtful response is not just rude; it reveals a lack of respect and professionalism. It's important that we talk about maintaining decorum in professional communications. Silence in these instances speaks volumes about the organization's values.
However, it's not all gloom. I've had the pleasure of collaborating with conferences that recognize and celebrate my contributions, which reminds me that our efforts are acknowledged and valued in some circles. We need to see more of this positive reinforcement.
A Final ThoughT
In both our personal and professional lives, it's crucial to assert our worth and accept nothing less. And remember, never feel guilty about it. Consider this powerful quote I stumbled upon: "By the time they realize your worth, you'll be worth more."
The strength it takes to say "No" is significant. If what's being offered falls short of your expectations and does not reflect your value, say "No" and stand firm in your decision. It's not merely about rejecting an offer but about setting a precedent for how you expect to be treated. Sticking to your "No" reinforces your standards and signals to others that your skills and contributions are not up for compromise. Each "No" to an undervalued offer is a step toward opportunities that truly reflect your worth. Stay firm and confident in your choices. You deserve nothing less.
Let's continue to advocate for our value in all that we do.
Until next time,
xx Akeshi
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